
Playing the Victim



04-01-2013, 11:29 AM

She moved slowly, carefully to not rush the older male. She did not want to stress his body more than it already was, he needed to be relaxed and just let the herbs do their job. She moved with him at a decent pace, but she remained silent, not wanting to say something that might bother him. But as they moved it seemed like she didn't have to say anything. Bronze had shook his head, was she doing something that was annoying him? Or maybe she was just thinking too much, maybe he was just getting a headache from his wounds. Once they got to the spot where he could rest she would go look for some more seeds or something to ease his headache.

While walking she picked up her head slightly, tilting her head as he suddenly spoke. Just move away when you find a good place for us to stop... I'll probably fall right over. Save me the effort of lying down. He seemed to joke around, a small laugh coming from him. Loccian just smirked, a light but quiet chuckle coming from her as she gave a nod of her head and continued on. I'll be careful, don't wanna be flattened into a leaf. She joked right back, the small smile turning into a decent sized one. She never smiled like that before, not for a very long time.

She liked that he tried to lighten the mood, but she wasn't expecting it. She didn't mind though, it was nice, nice to actually smile and laugh a bit even if it wasn't one of the best times to do so. Grey eyes slipped away from her surroundings, now looking up at Bronze whose smile slowly faded away and took on a more serious expression. Before long they came upon the fallen tree she had mentioned, something she noticed on the way to him. It was a decent size for the both of them to rest. She moved away once there, making sure he didn't fall on her like he had joked, but mostly just helping him lay down without bothering the herbs on his wounds.

Once he was down she took a step back, tail flicking behind her, she lifted her head and looked around the place. This place, it was sort of pleasant, relaxing. The sun shone down between the trees, birds flying about and chirping their little hearts out. This is a good spot She looked down at him, a smile on his face. The shewolf lowered her head, the smile still on her face as she watched him silently. Yes it is. She spoke, looking away to look into the forest. Seracia doesn't have this unfortunately, mostly open land. She added, a sort of sadness in her voice. Once she realized it sounded kind of down she quickly looked to him with the smile. Nevermind me, would you like me to get you something for it the pains come back?

ooc: Just realized Loccian is in heat... So, not sure if we should bring that into play. lol Perhaps she doesn't realize it at first, but Bronze does? XD


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