
When I'm Gone



5 Years
04-28-2014, 11:48 AM

He had left them, left their mother to shoulder both the weight of the pack and her new siblings. Canta had done what she could to help to relieve the pressure of the pack but she was only now starting to come to terms with the presence of her little brothers and sisters, and she certainly wasn?t going to father them. There were responsibilities she had now, and she filled them to the best of her abilities, both for her mother and for the pack that had withered some since that meeting.
Her father?s call filled her with mixed emotion, her first instinct was to run towards it, to answer it and to finally know that he had not truly abandoned them? but then he had hadn?t he? Canta couldn?t even be sure this male was her father? why would he return now? The girl would adjust her current path to find the one who had summoned them.
Moving like a shadow through the mangroves she stopped before the clearing, pressing herself into the shadow?s. There standing before her was her father, and in front of him were her mother and brother? She hovered in the shadow of the trees, wanting both to run forward and embrace the her father and to demand where he had been. She wanted to cry, to let out all the heartache spill over and finally be laid to rest, but she remained where she was, stone faced and watching. She was too far to hear what was being said but she watched her father collapse and it took all her strength to remain where she was and not rush toward him.
It was only as tiny forms made their way towards the scene did she finally emerge, her long strides carrying her towards those of her family that had gathered. Gently she maneuvered herself to stand both at Dhiren?s side and in between the pups and her father. She was angled so that she was just a slight bit in front of her brother, shoulders even with his chest and rump angled back towards the pack lands.
She cast a quick glance at Dutiron as he echoed Saga?s question, before looking back at her dad, laying upon the ground, her mother pressed into him now; she narrowed her forest gaze, both feeling the anger rising up inside her and to stop the tears that threatened to fall despite her wishes. ?Father.? She spoke, voice hard, both a greeting and an answer for her younger siblings.


Goodness Gracious Great Balls of Fire, Thank you Nine!
[Image: oLGAaTF.png]