
Little Wolf


04-28-2014, 11:54 AM

Just like that her brothers mood shifted. His eyes slid shut, only to open again and being entirely calm. But she knew better. This was just the calm before the storm. Her brother would move towards, crossing the border without a second though, his massive paws creating a circle around her. Chin tucked as she watched him from the corner of her eyes, audits twitching to follow his movements. He would speak, mocking her openly, bringing a sneer to her own. He was so stupid sometimes. When he finally shut his trap, laugher would spill from her lips. It was her turn.

"As always, you underestimate me brother. I have not gone soft, in fact, quite the opposite. I have surrounded myself with those of similar mind sets. I have taken control and have created something you never could have. I have an army at my feet." A brow would lift as she took a moment to breathe. "What you call a momentary lapse will become permanent when that little bitch comes crawling back." Her own eyes glinted with malicious intent, dark lips contorting into a half grin, half snarl. She knew exactly what would happen if that girl came back. Demyan would kill her but his world would be turned upside down again.

It have been awhile since she had last ended a life, had her silver pet sticky with blood. But she was not weak, she had never been weak. Her power and strength grew everyday. She now had the power of a pack behind her, she had the strength of ruthless murderers to control. She was a force to be reckoned with as she always had been. "I don't need your approval, I have a built a life for myself. My name will be whispered to children in scary stories." Thick plume twitched behind her, her eyes glinting with malice as she watched her brother.