



04-28-2014, 03:01 PM
Age: 1 year
Season: Spring
Height: 24 Inches
Appearance: From looking at sable from afar, it would seem that she was simply a bag of bones her frame is small and petite as she only stands at a hight of 24 inches however in comparison to her body her legs are long,although it seems like she is a bag of bones she is more streamline and suited to speedy tasks. Like her name suggests, she is covered in a soft jet black coat that seems to melt in with the darkness of the night in Addison to this, around her withers and lower neck,she has tiffs of white fur seeping though to give her a more unique appearance. the main attraction to her appearance is the vibrant amber hues that seem to stand out more so due to her black coat

Personality: she is a pup at heart, she is playful and normally carefree, she has no real desire for blood shed however she will fight if she is needed to she tends to show more hostility towards females rather than males. She is out spoken when it comes to important matters and will state her mind due to her past she is rather naive and clumsy at times and tends to get in to a bit of trouble because of this however she believes a strong mind is better then the power of the body and so uses this to get herself out of situations rather than attacking. Most of the time she like a mother to those she holds dear and to some strangers and because of this choices to be a healer or a hunter.
OOC: Pandia