
Brain Over Brawn


04-28-2014, 04:08 PM

What Is Life For, If Not For Joy?
He would listen, quietly, as the she-wolf spoke. A wolf who was confident and sure of their skills would be the sort to hunt here... Birch knew for sure that he was not that sort of wolf. Though he knew how to hunt... He wouldn?t risk it in a place such as this. His light purple eyes would trail upwards for a moment, a soft sigh leaving him. Was it caution that held him back? Fear? Knowledge that his own, for the most part, lack of seriousness would likely get him hurt?

He would frown a little more, looking back to the she-wolf as she mentioned that helping another wolf who had gotten injured trying to hunt here wouldn?t be the natural thing to do. For Birch helping others... Doing the right thing... It had always been the natural thing to do. It was what he was supposed to do... What everyone needed to do. Far too many wolves would simply turn their backs on those who needed help just because they were strangers... And that could very well be the difference between life and death.

Maybe he just didn?t want to think about what would happen if he was in their situation and no one would help him. Why was it, really, that he chose to help others in need? It could put him in danger sure... But... It had always been the path he had chosen. Being more chivalrous. Being the knight for those unable to defend themselves or those they cared for... Lending the helping paw to those in need. Birch was a wolf who wore his heart on his sleeve... So ready to sacrifice to help others.

He couldn?t remember ever feeling any different... Like he was caught in time from when he was still with his family. Perhaps Birch didn?t change because he was still clinging to his past... His beliefs. The she-wolf would speak, saying that change was not always good. Things would be as they would be, for whatever reason that was. So even if it wasn?t the norm... It wasn?t necessarily wrong to be as he was. Birch was going to be no other wolf other than himself... Though, perhaps, time would finally mature the male. Maybe... Fatherhood was the step he needed to accomplish this.

Birch would give a small nod as she spoke of the alphas she had known... Though he would lower his ears once more when she spoke of his pack. It was true that he and his mate didn?t want a pack of the sort she was used to he could see a lot of truth in her words... And a seed of doubt would be planted within him. What if, when ?owyn finalized the pack, truly got it running, he ruined things for them with his more puppish ways? He might not have been the one that would be in the primary alpha position but... He was still her mate. The one who was supposed to be beside her and her support. The thought of letting her down... Of letting his friends, his pack down... He didn?t want to think about it.

Birch would give a sigh. The words of the female would surely be reflected on... ?...You?re right...? He wouldn?t meet her gaze at the moment, his own holding a thoughtful look within them as he mulled over her words... And stressed about them as well. If anything... Birch knew he had to try harder... To reflect upon himself and try harder... To work at becoming the alpha he needed to be to help ?o keep things running smoothly.

When the femme spoke again Birch would look to her again, giving a nod and a small smile. ?...Thank you.? He would pad over to the kill, teeth working to first cut off a hunk of meat for his beloved. It took some time, though Birch refused to take even a single bite for himself until ?owyn?s meal had been set aside first. He wouldn?t be able to linger here forever... But he did hope to share in this other female?s company just a bit longer.

?You speak knowledgeably, miss... Thank you... For sharing what you have with me... And... For pointing out things I hadn?t considered.? Birch was unable to keep his gaze upon the female as he said the last sentence, though there was sincerity in the brute?s voice as he spoke... Even if it was more of a somber and almost... Saddened tone at the moment.

Live, Love, and Laugh For Today

Because Tomorrow You Might Not Have The Chance