
myths of the vagabond heart


04-28-2014, 04:20 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
At the question if Fontamo Bay was pack territory or not Ellis would shake her head. ?Not quite... There are a group of us that live there... A pack in the making if you will. Our leader is still gathering the support and followers she needs to fully establish her pack. In the meantime, however, those of us who have pledged our loyalty to her and her mate have settled down in that territory... Just a larger ?family? group than a pack at the moment... But we?re on our way.? Ellis wasn?t one to push for others to join the little hopeful pack she had found herself apart of. Altavaro was aware anyway now of it?s existence... If he was hoping to join a pack he would likely mention it anyway.

The female would give a nod to the male, still racking her brain for more common plants she had come across. ?There are a couple other plants I recall seeing as well... Chevril, for one... A sweet smelling plant... It has fern-like leaves and small white flowers. The leaves, or rather the juice of them, are good for treating infected wounds... And the roots can help soothe a bellyache. It grows in more forest-like areas from what I?ve noticed. A poultice of goldenrod is good for healing wounds... I?ve seen some of those around the mainland as well...?

?...and there?s comfrey too... The roots can be chewed into a poultice to help mend broken bones and soothe wounds.? Finally Ellis caught on that she was more or less babbling to this other healer, and a bit of heat would rise to her face as she shuffled a bit in embarrassment. ?Ah... Sorry. I... Tend to get carried away when it comes to talking about herbs...? The female would look away for a moment, clearing her throat as if to dismiss the fact she was acting almost like an excited pup.

?If you ever need to find something with a particular use you can come find me... I?m combing through the lands to find as many herbs as possible so I should have an answer for you by the time you come with a question.? She would look back to Altavaro now. She was hoping she would get to meet this other healer again after tonight.

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.