


04-28-2014, 04:33 PM

Sorrel was hardly given him a straight answer. F?licien would give a little sigh, looking at his brother with a soft gaze. He knew convincing Sorrel to come outside was going to be no easy matter... But he wanted his brother to be there with him. To see new things, to learn new things... Staying inside all the time couldn?t be good, could it? The pup shifting a bit, ears lowering as his twin continued to avoid the question. Then, the next thing he said, made the pup wonder.

F?licien would look to the mouth of the den as he started to speak again. ?It may be our own space... But... We are part of a pack. We need to interact with them... Even if they are strange at first. A lot of them are our family. It seems a little scary at first, meeting a wolf who is bigger... And trying to talk to them... But the wolves here aren?t bad... And soon enough we?re gonna grow big too. The pack, mom, and dad are going to help watch over us until then.?

F?li would look to his twin then, giving a little smile. ?The first day we were supposed to go out of the den... I was scared too... Scared of everything outside. Everything was big... And I was small. But... The more I explored... The more I realized that things weren?t as scary as I thought... And the wolves that seemed so strange and different... They weren?t so bad either.? He would wag his tail a little. ?So it might be nice here.. But how can you say its nicer when you haven?t seen everywhere else the pack lands have to offer??