
Little Wolf


05-01-2014, 10:54 PM

Even though it didn't show, she knew that her comment about the marbled bitch got to her brother, that the mere thought of her made his blood boil. A twisted sneer pulled at her lips, even as he burst into laugher. A brow would lift curiously as he spoke, his pale lips turning into a snarl. She knew her brother all to well. She took his mocking in stride, though inside she bristled. Amusement glittered her features as his words slipped in one ear and out the other. Her brother had never been a planner, he always had sought immediate gratification. She had too at one point, however things change. He knew so little of what went on within her borders. He would meet her gaze and she could see the disapproval there, clear as day.

"You know so little." Words fell huskily from her lips as she looked at her brother. If only he knew. While she had calmed down, and put her senseless killing on hold, she still had the desire to do so. Nothing would ever be able to change that, she would crave blood until the day she died. But first, she needed to set her priorities straight. "And you know I don't care, so don't look at me like." Whimsical laughter slipped off her tongue with ease.

Perhaps one day he would understand. One day he would see the empire she was building, and just how much power she held. All in good time. While he had answered her question of why he had returned, he had not answered her implied question of why he was still standing here. Her brothers attention was hardly held for very long, and yet he had remained, even as she taunted him ruthlessly. A brow would lift in silent question. Was there something he wanted? Something else he needed to say? Part of her was surprised he had held his tongue for this long. She knew he could smell Kylar all over her and she knew it was driving him mad.