
Disjointed Children


04-28-2014, 08:43 PM

the false king under the mountain must fall
That delightful, steamy, taste of blood started to trickle down her throat; sating her endless hunger. She had his metallic sensation soothing her thirst, though she unleashed the demon inside of her. The caged monster within was now manipulating Sinister's every move, and every word she will soon declare. She was now the host to her own demise, shoved back into the dark depths of her body and in waiting to be re-summoned when the beast had it's fun with this one. A flash of red was all she saw now, and everything went black. Nothing will be remembered, only the everlasting liquid that will taint her tongue and fangs.
Rippling muscles conjoined together, feeling the males weight start to press further down upon her own in attempt to pin her down. Yet, she wasn't one to go down so easily, and with her now pulsing adrenaline rush, pain and agony was a mere imagination to her at this point -- all pain that she will receive is pushed aside and replaced with determination. The true serial killer was crawling it's way out of her pores, now ravishing the male with more pressure on his neck. When the male imprinted his fore-paw on her shoulder, trying to tear him off her it seemed and bring her down, though Sinister wasn't having any of that. Locking her grasp, she reared up inside of tumbling back, leaving the two standing on their hind legs.
Feeling herself start to become increasingly irritated by this foolish foreplay, she decided to release her grip and step to the side quickly to avoid any attacks that would come. This male seemed to hold a lot of strength, much like herself, one to take punches like a pro and give them right back with a little more oomph. She liked that in a wolf, which confused her a little, but she was more focused on the battle between the two then the brute himself. Her own blood scorched saliva fled from the corners of her maw, bared canines that drizzled blood from their sharpened points. Her snout was soiled with damp, staining red coating, and the urge to lace her tongue over her maw was gnawing at her so she indeed did so. Letting her now crimson tinted tongue crusade over the top and bottom parts of her mouth then sliding back in between the gaps of her fangs.

For a crown is not fit

for a king unworthy of its power