
Rest at Last -open-


02-08-2013, 12:27 PM
The she-wolf slowly began to relax, coming out of her crouched position, though her voice still shook when she spoke her name. Mercianna. interesting name. But Secret was more interested in her answer to the second question that was given. Her answer was a silent one, only a shaking of her wolfs skull. Secret was determined to venture out and find her pack, after she rested a bit. Audits twitched as the dame asked a question of her own. Hope entwined itself with her words as she asked whether or not Secret had met any others. "I haven't either." she spoke with a small shake of her head.

"What pack did you come from?" lyrics filled the quiet air once more. The ebony dame ignored the fact that the frightened she-wolf made no eye contact and still looked as though she feared for her life. Both were seated amongst the snowy ground, Secrets wet coat was slowly drying, chill slowly getting to her. The dame hated winter, it was far to cold for her liking, she preferred the coolness of spring or fall.

Secret attempted to make herself appear a little more friendly, in hopes that fae would relax and share more of what had happened, if she knew anything at all. One could hope. Secret bit back a scoff, all this talk and thinking about hope was making her soft. It was very uncharacteristic. Her focus was returned to the she-wolf, Mericanna, waiting to find out more about this wolf and what she knew. But from the looks of it, getting this wolf to share anything was going to be quite a task.