
Disjointed Children


04-28-2014, 09:56 PM

It ran hot along his nerves around the top of his left shoulder, along the base of his neck, her teeth doing a fine job at delivering pain as she promised. Why did he expect anything different. It actually was quiet a relief that the female would not be cowed by him. It continued the run down his neck, trailing through his coat and along his legs, the smell of fresh blood invading the night sky.

Domination, it was his goal as he feels her start to sink under his weight, there was a snarl somewhere to be had out of him, but his mind was too focused upon the spat. As soon as his paw gained purchase on the female he felt her jaws working upon the wound she already created, tearing and slashing, grinding and rending, the blood pooled from the wound rising against his grey fur, that thick hide trying to dam the blood but it continues to flow from him.

Ignored, ignored, and ignore he did the blood, but the tensing along the wound was a reminder that he would be feeling that females mark when the sun rose to reveal the carnage of this night.

Itching along his throat the snarl made it?s way from his body, his weight attempting to seize downward but to his annoyance she revolted, her body rising as she bucks against him, rising into the air to meet his fury. As quickly as she engaged, she flits away from him. A whine of annoyance screeches through the air as his paws slam back against the ground, jaws snapping with need as he turns his body toward her.

Leisurely, he leads with his left paw, the stiff shoulder rotating under his blood matted fur. Imonde didn?t even attempt to give chase after the female at the moment as she draws away from him. Imonde was simply too slow to catch her, instead when he fought he relied on brute strength, drawing his opponent in and keeping them close, using his mass to pin and maim. Which is why he just watches her for a moment longer.

But now the creature did draw closer to her again, his lips twitching back as closer. He stands, a few inches from her snout unless she draws away from him to put distance between them. ?You have marked me female,? he reverberates, his voice not betraying if he was pleased with this, or on the verge a psychotic out lash, though it was more the former than the latter.