
[Training]Hunting class



04-28-2014, 11:57 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The boy seemed to try rather hard to act less excited than he felt, to make himself appear mature and ready for the trails that came with training for the position he had chosen. She could see it within his bright blue eyes, just waiting for her direction to give him an outlet and to teach him anything and everything that she could. She only hoped she could think of enough to satisfy him, and that she did not disappoint him somewhere along the way. It had always been her fear since taking up the hugely responsible role as Psi even more "Primary" had been added to it. And now that her thoughts were still being torn away by the realization she was trying her best to not think too heavily on she was more worried than usual about it. How could she teach when she was struggling to focus?

But she pushed through it, still maintaining her smiling expression and friendly voice when she addressed him, and if he saw anything amiss he made no comment which she was grateful for. He was probably as intuitive as his father had been; he would know when to hold his tongue and when to pry for more information.

"Ooo, a first hunting lesson," she echoed with a grin, grateful that the gesture came much more easily than she had expected it to. At least she would need to fake as little as she could around this youth who deserved so much more. "I think we could manage that. Was there anything in particular that you wanted to work on?" It was only polite to ask. Surely he would know what his strengths and weaknesses were by now. If he was anything like his dad, he would be able to help guide her in the right direction with teaching him, and since she was still trying to get her thoughts in proper order any help would have been a blessing in disguise.