
Soothing waters, soothing company



11 Years
04-29-2014, 01:02 AM
Tahlia's laugh still echoed in Bane's ears as he drifted through the trees of the river. He was looking for a quiet place. A place where the wolves could be tied up for a while, away from their worries and woes without fear of discovery as they bonded intimately between themselves. Yes. He knew exactly what he could do, the wolf humorously reflecting on her statement before the lazy chase began. The paw steps grew ever closer behind him as the pale wolf stopped at the edge of a low hill to ask Tahlia if she thought they far enough away from the den. She didn't stop however, either she didn't see him or it was due to some other cause but Bane was sent over the edge along with Tahlia.

He closed his remaining eye on the way down the minor incline and came to rest on his stomach, a cheerful rumble reverberating through his body. A rather fun little tumble, Bane shifting to look where Tahlia lay alongside the elders shoulder. The greying wolf reached over and nosed her cheek with a lick and brought his forepaws over to both sides of the females neck before she had a chance to move. Bane's tongue gave slow deliberate caresses along Tahlia's maw, his chest fur mingling with hers as he rested across her. The desire she'd shown him a few moments ago was wooed and teased with as Bane administered a few more licks. A rumble reverberated from the males chest as he straddled his mate, his pale jaws parted and holding the base of her throat as they found their time alone with one another.

-Fade to Black-
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•