
Love me like you'll never see me again...



04-29-2014, 01:07 AM (This post was last modified: 04-29-2014, 03:49 AM by Maija.)

Time had frozen for the Romanian vixen and her children. When Taurig disappeared, it was as if she had lost sense of everything going on around her. In her mind's eye, their children were still young, eager to see the "world" (meaning the island) and ready to learn from their parents. Alas, only Maija was there when they asked questions about anything in general. It broke the woman's heart that their father wasn't there to help with answering their curious minds, but what could she do? All she did was hide the pain that fell from her cracking heart and do her best raising them.
Now that Taurig had returned, it felt like he had missed so much. Time had sped up and Maija was lost in a whirlwind of chaotic thoughts. She had doubts that Taurig wouldn't return, much as her mind, body and soul tried to fight the possibility. His reappearance made her happy and relieved, but she was still at a loss for words whenever she looked at him. Nothing could be said to soothe her raging thoughts, for she still held the mixed emotions within her core. Those reasons were the cause of her need to speak with him.
She didn't feel like she would be good company for their babies. Maija had let him spend time with the children, for they needed his nurturing more than she did. Self sacrifice was something she had learned after having them, and that was what she chose that evening. They had curled around him and were possibly sleeping in his massive shadow. Maija didn't feel compelled to do the same. Instead, she walked the length of the island, hoping to have her thoughts trampled by her golden paws.
When she reached the other side of the island -- the beach that looked out to the massive ocean -- she reclined to her haunches. A silent sigh escaped her as her leaf-green gaze watched the water. Her thoughts still ran and she closed her eyes to rid her mind of the tornado-like effects they had. What would she say to him, should he approach her? Her tail loosely wrapped itself around her legs as a warm breeze blew around her fit frame. What a world...

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