
Love me like you'll never see me again...



04-29-2014, 03:47 AM

The cobalt titan rose from his place on the beach and slowly approached her, caution evident in his movements. She didn't blame him for being that way, especially when she had given him the icy shoulder. Now that her anger was gone, she only wanted what she had needed for so long: Taurig's love and warmth. He got the message, for he wasn't afraid to be coming near her. She was thankful that he wasn't completely chicken.
He stopped about halfway and she didn't have to think about it at all. Her butt became unglued from the beach and she quickly filled the gap between them. Her nose found his cheek and she let loose with tender licks and nuzzles around his massive skull. She came to his left side, rubbing his cheek with her own before she lowered her face to his neck. She breathed in his scent, taking in his large frame and feeling the wind cease from blowing around her smaller body.
Maija didn't stop there. She pulled back and looked up to his blind stare, opaque in color. Her leaf green eyes shimmered as she slowly leaned in to lick his dried fur upon both cheeks. Then she rubbed his right cheek with her left, doing the same thing to his neck like she had done before. Love rose in her like a balloon and she felt it slowly stretch down to her paws. Her tail began to sway side to side, its elegant plumage catching the moonlight with each shake to the left. Maija couldn't help but show how eager she was to have him again, to touch him and know that he wasn't just a figment of her imagination...not anymore.
Slowly, she walked against his right side, gold fur brushing against his cobalt blue and black. Her tail lightly flicked his nose and a soft giggle escaped her lips. A nip of his tail was given before she walked up alongside his left. Her fur still brushed against his as her body weight leaned into the cobalt's massive frame. It was what she wanted, what she needed, now more than ever.
As she came up to his left, she let her head cradle itself into his nook between his head and shoulder. It didn't last long, for she nibbled her way up the side of his crown to his ear, where she tenderly licked it and whispered a sweet something into his tattered aud. "Face dragoste cu mine." The only words she could say without fully cussing what she meant. It had been so long since she had him to herself and she shouldn't have had to beg.

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