
Retaking First Steps



7 Years
04-29-2014, 09:48 AM

One corner of her lips twitched slightly into half a frown as the young girl replied, her distaste at the move clearer than day in her voice. Natalya understood the sentiment all too well. Thought she had gotten along spectacularly with Helios from the day her marriage was arranged, it had taken her quite some time to become truly accepting of having her life uprooted. "I didn't think I was my home at first either," she would inform the girl with a small chuckle. "I am sorry that you weren't able to get to know us sooner, and I am even sorrier that you had to suffer such a huge change so early on. You may not believe it now, but Olympus is where you belong. Gods belong among gods, my dear."

Had Virgil been Natalya's daughter, she would have scolded her for her many irrational decisions over the last few seasons, but it was not her place. That was for her mother and father to do, and unfortunately they were nowhere to be found. The young matriarch was left without their guidance. Fortunately, Virgil had succeeded in enough to redeem herself of her mistakes, but she was young and there were almost certainly more to come. So much thought on the matter was unnecessary, however. She needed to focus on helping the children adjust to their new surroundings and feel comfortable with their true family.

"You will see your friends in Ebony soon enough, I promise you that. But first I would like to get to know you, little princess. I am your Great Aunt Natalya, what is your name?"