
New Life [joining]

Gargoyle I


04-01-2013, 01:08 PM


Gargoyle didn?t have to spread his legs and hitch up his tail to demand respect or threaten others, his dominance shown through in the way he held himself. In the way he matched gazes with any who spoke to him. And yet for that ? the form and the size and the cold gaze ? he wasn?t making any attempt at being formidable. He was happy to take another soul into his family, but only so long as they knew what they were in for.

And in this case, elaboration didn?t seem to necessary.

?A past worthy of forgetting is something I can appreciate,? Gargoyle rumbled quietly, and never in this conversation had his words rang with more sincerity. However, his eyes remained as stony as ever. The stranger wasn?t giving him a whole lot to go on, but frankly, Glaciem needed more warriors. And some wolves just weren?t really talkers.

Gargoyle would let him in, but a wolf could pet carp bones to caribou steaks, he was going to be keeping an eye on him ? as he did all his new members.

The brute wolf sniffed and collected his paws. The stranger had asked for judgement and he now would pass it. ?This wolf here-,? he said gesturing with a flick of his tattered ear. ?-Is Cifer, one of the founding Glaciem members and, at the moment, second only to myself in the rankings. He is my Lead Warrior, and, as I am placing you among the warriors, you will answer to him as often as you answer to me.? And who was he? ?My name is Gargoyle, and my title is Chief; you may address me by either.? With the formal introduction, came a formal nod of the head. And yet those yellow repitilian eyes never left the form of the newcomer. ?And what, may I inquire, is the name of my new packmate??


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~