


04-29-2014, 03:38 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Yin was grateful Klypso's company was quiet. He made no remark about her drawing herself closer but merely smiled that small, kind smile of his and set his tail around her haunches in a gesture of comfort and care. Had it been anyone else she might have extended a hind leg and kicked the appendage away, to discourage him from trying to encroach on her space as she had already done to him. She had never truly been one for physical contact, content enough to keep her distance. But it seemed as if her extended time alone had affected her. It felt off to her, but at the same time it was more comforting than she was used to it being.

He asked, selflessly, whether she was warm enough and in answer she relaxed further into her position beside him, murmuring an agreeable, "Mhm," if her answer was not clear enough. She extended her head to rest her chin on the ground beside his foreleg and closed her mismatched eyes, listening to the storm as the wind continued to blow about outside their makeshift den. They might have only met that day but already she was sure she could sleep here, curled up and pressed against his side. It was strange, incredibly so; the last time she had done something so bold she had been so very disappointed.

Surprised to find herself hoping for better, silently and secretly rooting for Klypso to prove her wrong, Yin sighed and relaxed, content to spend the night within this shelter at the greyscale make's side.