
for the love of god help me D:



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-29-2014, 03:41 PM
Erani Adravendi

As Loki seemed panicked by everyone?s crowding over his litter, Erani uttered a sharp snarl to those who crowded the closest. There was enough ice in her tone to acknowledge that whomever didn?t obey immediately and give the male and his brood space would get a bite in the rump to remind them that she wasn?t all gentle words and diplomacy. ?Respect his space, Valhallans. He?s anxious enough as it is.? Her eyes landed on Imena. ?We generally ask a parent?s permission first before touching the children, Imena. Respect his boundaries, please.? Her eyes turned to Loki, listening to his words.

She could tell that ?please? and begging wasn?t something he did normally, and that it ate at his pride. So she spoke gently. ?You and your children will be allowed to stay just beyond the borders of the pack. Our numbers are reaching the point to where the prey numbers will suffer, and thus, so will my pack. As for a mother figure? We?ve recently had a female birth a healthy litter, but she is wary of strange males. For good reason.? Her eyes dropped to the pups, deep blue pools warm. ?I know of herbs that will send a female into lactation, though the simple act of pups suckling can facilitate it as well.?

Quietly, her gaze turned to Imena. ?You will mother them.? Her eyes turned to Loki. ?If that is alright with you??

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think