
a new day, a new place



2 Years
04-29-2014, 04:20 PM

Hephaestus had no more desire to explore Olympus than he had Ebony, and since Gaia wasn't venturing out much he had been spending much of his time as she was - leaving Andromeda and Nemesis to fend for themselves while he hovered near the den to watch over his elder sister, and to brood with worry over his other siblings still in Ebony. That was what he was doing at that moment... brooding. Sitting in the dark of the den, bright orange eyes distant and brow furrowed in worry. Yet at the same time there was a niggling feeling of guilt mixed in. He really shouldn't be pouting in the den while Nemesis and Andromeda were out there, probably getting themselves in danger. Taking care of Gaia was really only an excuse to mope, wasn't it? She wasn't going to have any trouble just staying around the den, and she didn't seem like she was feeling up to wandering off any time soon. Wasn't it rather childish of him to act like this, when he should be stepping up to take care of all of them?

Hephaestus was slow to come to decisions, obsessive about thinking through every tiny detail and consequence, but he couldn't avoid finally reaching a conclusion. He was just going to have to leave the densite.

With a sigh he heaved his chubby body to his paws and lumbered out, past his sister and on out. He sniffed carefully around, trying to find the most recent scents of his other siblings, but there had been a lot of traffic around lately and things were too muddled for the pup to figure out. He finally just picked a random direction and trundled off into Olympus territory, hoping to find his siblings and save them from whatever trouble they'd gotten themselves into this time.
