
a new day, a new place

Andromeda I

Ebon Knight

3 Years
04-29-2014, 05:19 PM

It hadn't been easy leaving Ebony. It had been the only home that Andromeda had known and in leaving it behind for some reason Raisa and their other siblings had not travelled with them. The journey had been somewhat tiring as well, further than she'd ever gone before though unfortunately they hadn't really gotten the chance to explore until they had arrived at their new home, the lands of the Olympus pack. It meant little to her really, though she was growing aware of course that Olympus was part of her name.

After a rest though, Andromeda hadn't hesitated in setting out to explore once more. Though she had tried to persuade Hephaestus and Gaia to join her neither was really interested in leaving their new den. Deciding not to let them ruin her fun, the golden girl would go off exploring on her own, in hopes as well of finding somewhere that perhaps she could safely bring Gaia to and maybe help her settle into their new home.

As usual she was out wandering the lands though upon catching sight of her brother, Andromeda would end her exploring to see whether anything in particular had brought him out. He was heading her direction, though she couldn't be sure if Hephaestus had actually seen her yet. Had it been Nemesis she may abused the opportunity to get her own back for once though instead for the calm Hephaestus she would simply move forwards to meet him.

"Hello." She greeted with a smile. "You decided to come out then? Gaia not coming?" There was no sign of her sister, though she would peer behind just in case Hephaestus had ventured ahead to make sure it was safe.