
let me be your ghost



7 Years
Extra large
04-29-2014, 06:21 PM

With all the affection was something that he didn't mind, though it made him feel sort of bad for leaving. Then again he held no regrets, he didn't like the thought of not being on top, not having his freedom. Maybe it was a rather bad god complex, but it wasn't as if he wanted to subdue anyone underneath him. Simply he didn't sit well with being ordered around and following it without another word. If he were to run a pack it'd be something where his input would not be the only one. Though he wasn't sure such a thing would be able to be created just yet. Not unless a pack was dropped into his paws, and he didn't have the confidence to challenge for a pack just yet either. Risk the members of the pack hating him for stealing their home as it would be said.
He needed someone to put up with him did he? Well being alone wasn't so bad so far. It wasn't like he needed to feed anyone else, of course he still had the habit of worrying about strangers still. So far he had become a hero by saving two wolves and he didn't know how many more would follow him down whatever path he was going to take. Though then she made a comment that he would never run away again. Had he really run away? He told his parents up front that he was leaving and that there was nothing they could say to convince him to stay. But now it looked like Serra wanted to stalk him.
"I didn't leave because there was a problem Serra, I wanted to be on my own with freedom. Being alone hasn't all been that bad." he said with a short frown to her. But then he sighed, and smiled as she got closer and he wrapped his left paw around her. "I'm thinking of starting a pack, weather it be challenging for a current one or not. I'd like to know if you'll be supporting me." Quelt said with a keen smile.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]