
Helloooo world (Lokimar puppy thread)

Loki 1


6 Years
04-29-2014, 06:29 PM (This post was last modified: 04-29-2014, 06:31 PM by Loki 1.)

Did you expect any differently?
Loki trotted swiftly through the plains, skirting Valhalla territory on his way to the den on the edge of the territory where Imena was taking care of his pups. Not truly part of Valhalla, they stayed somewhat apart, only nominally enjoying the benefits of pack life. Some of the benefits, and all the drawbacks, Loki thought snidely to himself, though he'd not voice that out loud. Not now; not while the pups still depended on Valhalla for their existence. Particularly Aksel, the male, who had been sick and completely unresponsive for some time. The healers had been unable to help him. Though they assured him he was not going to die, Loki had been frantic. He'd been spending every waking at their den, rushing over at the slightest possibility of sound or movement from the sick child. He'd left only to hunt for himself and Imena - though she was also supplied by the pack, he felt it was the smart thing to do, to curry her favor and also to keep her strength up so she'd produce more milk for his beloved children. He had a pheasant dangling from his jaws currently, a gift for the healer. And, despite the gloom and worry that had settled on him, there was a spring in his step. Because he, Loki, had decided that today he'd be bringing his children out to explore the world. Though his mood was dampened that Aksel would be unable to join his sisters, if they were anything like their father the girls were probably less than thrilled that they'd been cooped up in the den.

Bounding up to the den he dropped the pheasant just outside, then crouched in the grass. "Where's my giiiirls," he crowed. "Come out, come out, wherever you are. Come out and explorrrre." He couldn't help but hope Aksel would hear and wake up as well... But he couldn't let Aksel's sickness ruin his girl's childhoods. No doubt he'd fuck that up himself at a later date.

It's in my nature