
tear it down, build a monument of my beauty



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
04-29-2014, 06:33 PM (This post was last modified: 05-02-2014, 10:47 AM by Esti.)

Esti was following her brother. She didn't really know why, but his scent stuck out in her mind so she followed it. The girl was growing large, just as her brother. She had no doubt that if they teamed up, they'd raise hell together. Or maybe they would save the world instead? It didn't really matter to Esti what they did or where they went as long as Esti could put a smile on her face.

The branches of the willows hung loosely, brushing against Esti's body as she trailed Orochi. The try-toned femmie walked heavily, not bothering with stealth, or really attempting to be quiet in any way. Her paw pads struck the ground and lifted again, creating a deep rhythm that vibrated in the girl's whole body. She found the beat particularly interesting in the way it made her insides feel, so she kept stomping away, following her brother from an unknown distance.

Shortly, Esti came upon her brother and their kind-of-but-not-really-at-all mother. It seemed to have been a while since she had talked to him, and lucky for her, he had found Raven too. Orochi had greeted her already, it seemed so Esti settled for nodding slightly, "Sup?" She didn't bother to sit, but she didn't make any more advances either, keeping closer to her brother than Raven, though not close enough to him to touch. Distance was always welcomed, Esti thought, it meant safety sometimes, and respect; neither of which the girl knew much about, but it felt right at the time, so she kept the distance, looking at each with calm, royal blue eyes that contrasted the warm sunset.
