


04-30-2014, 12:19 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

There was no agenda for the day, which meant if there was somewhere she wished to go now was the time to mention it. Was there somewhere she wanted to go? The north had always drawn her toward it. It was the one location where she had ultimately felt the most at home. She could be a ghost up there, wander aimlessly through the tundras and glaciers and never once need to worry about anything other than where her next meal would come from and where she would shelter for the night. Her stay here in the east had been short, but already it was wearing out on her.

Yin set her gaze away from the wolf and thought silently for a while on what she would do. She knew what she wanted to do, but it was unknown to her just how Klypso would take the news. Would he stubbornly follow or politely excuse himself from her forever?

Trying to figure out what he would do on her own was pointless. How could she think to know him so well after only one day? No, she needed to ask to get everything out of the way. "I'm from the north," she explained, "I live there. I won't be staying here in the east much longer." She did not order him to follow; as much as he might have been willing to play the part of servant, Yin had no interest in holding him to it. She had lived on her own once, she could easily do so again.