
you and me, baby, on the run


05-23-2014, 12:12 AM

She had slipped from his side within their den early in the morning, stomach beginning to rumble and awakening her from her slumbers. She had worried it might wake him up to so she had spent half an hour trying to wiggle her way from his side without disturbing him and eventually pulled her last paw free and belly crawled her way out of the den. The morning air was brisk and chilly, a bit too chilly for fall.. Was it winter? No snow yet? She sighed , watching her great grow in a cloud before her before chuckling and setting off. There was no sun yet? Was it near dawn? She really had no way to tell but as she looked at the horizon she realized that there wasn't even a hint of sunlight? Maybe she could catch some dinner and bring it back to surprise Talon. Yeah, that sounded like a great idea! Long legs began churning faster, propelling her forward at a lope. No one really lived in this territory or near here so the rabbit population had exploded. That was probably why within twenty minutes she had two rabbits dead at her paws. Slate blue tail swayed happily at her feet as she surveyed the blood covered white beasts below her.

That was when the first flake hit her nose, a small shock of cold that made her blink at first before turning her gaze upwards and looking up at the overcast night sky. Had that been snow? She spent another few minutes staring up before shrugging and lowering her skull to retrieve the bunny's she had caught. Eyes caught movement to her right and her gaze followed it. She took a step over and looked at the ground to find a perfectly formed snowflake on the tip of a blade of grass. It was snowing! She let out a bark, tail wiggling at her heels as she gathered up her bunnies and turned back towards the den, moving at a half lope half jump. There was pure joy in the young girls steps, every so often twisting in the air after a step and throwing herself as high as possible. Within a few minutes the flakes were drifting down consistently and lazily. "AAALLLLLEEEEENNN" She yelled as she bounded closer and closer to the den, words muffled by the bunnies still gripped in her jaws. But as soon as she was close enough she spat them out and stuck her head in the den to poke and heckle him. "Talon! it's the first snowfall! It's here! Waziya brought us snow!!!" She exclaimed with a delighted giggle, backing up and twirling around again.