
The End


05-23-2014, 01:22 AM
Electricity crackles through her skin, as his salmon tongue kisses her forehead, and she stares at him. She isn't sure what shows in her violet eyes, but she's aware that she's never felt anything that intense before. How could she when the only male contact she'd ever had was with her rapist? That thought shakes her confidence, and she looks away before taking a step back. She's damaged goods, why would someone who could obviously have the world... waste even a second on her. His words, she finds it hard to believe- If she were truly any kind of woman, she wouldn't have ever succumbed to the monster that had ravaged her purity. The thought cuts deep to her, and she takes a few more steps back- no longer meeting his gaze. "I-I... I... need to go." She stammers, turning and hissing with pain as she feels the strain from her cliff dive in every muscle in her body. She hadn't realized she'd strained herself so much. Turning her back, on the handsome wolf- she pads away, her head low, occasionally hissing with pain. The grumbles grew soft with each step, as she quiets her complaints. She can't burden him any further, and that's all she is- a burden.