
Somebody that I used to know


05-23-2014, 05:02 AM

Was he a devil?

Perhaps the word devil was to tame for him, perhaps the darkness that ruled his mind- the rank ideas that flowed through his brain and into his heart, were a level of evil beyond a devil. The word devil seemed to have its limitations, and he seemed to have no boundaries. The source of all evil? Perhaps it was within him that evil was spawned. There was no sought retribution, no insanity, no righteous reason, or hurt feelings to take the blame for the sickening things that he was capable of. There was only the desire to do them, to watch the word burn. Devil didn't define him.

She teased him with her words, which was perhaps the act of a sheep- a foolish lamb. Who would tease someone capable of such monstrosities? Only a fool. He didn't comment on her words, rather his ivory ears flicked back in a seemingly bored expression. She'd have to grab his attention quickly, or he'd be forced to find another way to amuse himself. She went on to address him, calling him by his name- proclamations of a daring beast leaving her pristine jaws. He chuckled, noting her name in the fore-front of his mind, a detail that could soon be forgotten if she didn't make an impression. His head tilted, ever so slightly to the right, in the silence that followed before a question- more over, a demand would leave him. "Why are you out here, Alena Leone?"