
sisters in arms


05-23-2014, 09:53 AM

Basanti, a mishap? Vi smiled easily at the young girl, gaze relaxed and almost somber as she studied each and every marking. After a moment Cataleya would confirm her suspicions and Vi chuckled softly. Funny, this child looked so much his own while his last litter looked so different. Did he know yet of the fates of his children? That Maia had returned and Rune was a father? That Kylar was a grandfather? "Oh my dear..."She would murmur under her breath as she continued to study the child. Kylar had always been more parental then she, taking on a fatherly role to her children when she had wanted nothing more then to drown them all in a sac. "It seems we are tied by blood my dear Cataleya. My brother is the father of this little one." She said fainally, gaze flittering up to the woman with a smile. She had always had a soft spot for Kylar's offspring, had always felt the need to protect them. And now here was another. She wouldn't fail the dear girl like she had failed Vixe...

Cataleya agreed to allow her little pet help Viridiaba whenever she required it and slowly a smile would tug up the edges of her lips. Oh they would have a grand time. The male spoke as well but at this point he was almost completely forgotten. Cat asked about ruling and Vi sighed almost dramatically. "Honestly. Dealing with the trivial matters of the masses bores me. And at the same time... I've won a pack... Now what?" She said with a sigh, shaking her head then looking to Lekan and narrowing her gaze. "I trust you understand that you will never speak of my presence here or what we discuss today...? Hmmm?" She asked quite harshly, a tone that promised great pain if he went against her wishes despite the easy smile that remained dancing on her lips. "I've actually come here today for business. You have been more established then I and I seek your knowledge. The topic being alliances. I'm trying to keep my pack neutral with all but in all honesty your my favourite and should you ever need help my pack will be at your beck and call. But I would like to keep that between us for now. I'm planning on playing nice with even the scum of the earth Valhalla." She spat out the packs name like it held a foul taste when it came out.

In all honesty she hadn't even been planning on playing nice at all, hoping more to just ignore them and hope that they ignore Covari sort of deal. Vi had met their leader quite some time ago and in all honesty Vi had hated her. Add on the fact that her nephew had been killed by one if their wolves in the war and there was some real hatred there. Vi hoped Desiree and Sibelle would be willing to deal with negotiations with them. "Have you traveled to meet any of the other packs? I'm afraid I'm terribly out of the loop especially with old Lentajin or Amenti or whatever it is now. As well with Tortuga. And what is this Ebony pack?" She said easily, hoping that Cat might have some information to spare. Vi had every intention of playing nice with everyone but if push came to shove she would happily throw someone under the bus with Cat if the ashen she devil asked it of her.
