
Give me the world, and I give you my loyalty


05-23-2014, 11:09 AM (This post was last modified: 05-23-2014, 11:15 AM by Aislin.)

It would seem that Aislin had appealed to the queen quite easily. Aislin was pleased by this and decided that this might be her home now. Crtu decided to throw his two cents in which only confirmed her suspicions about being kept like treasure. So she was to be a gem, like a ruby, here in this pack yes? Well, then she better be treated like one! It was her opinion that if she were to be kept like a jewel, that she were to also be cared for like one. Of course, that kind of treatment didn't come without work, and thus she was fully prepared to work to keep herself shiny and pristine within this pack. When the question of skills came about, Aislin was more than happy to oblige.

"My skills besides my forked tongue are the ability to run long distances without tiring. I can also track anything within a mile or two, I can tell you the age of tracks and what direction, and I can recognize patterns within the landscape of prey movements. I am also quite stealthy when I need to be, and I can kill on your command. I can be a ghost and disappear without a trace, or I can be visible to the naked eye and attack when necessary. What you wish of me, you have. Even if it's just a sex toy."

Aislin was quiet after this, hoping that this would please Viridiana. Perhaps she and Cru could have a race later. With the way he was able to dish back what he received, she was pleased with his company. Perhaps others would be just like him also in this pack. She liked Viridiana for her smooth, silver tongue also, which meant that there was more about this fae than what was revealed on this day.
