
About HIGH Time



8 Years
05-23-2014, 03:33 PM (This post was last modified: 05-29-2014, 12:40 AM by Othello.)

So he was hiding! She was too busy rolling in the grass to notice him, but his yummy scent wafted over her as she jumped up on her feet. Tail wagging wildly at him, she as about to greet him when she was scooped up and flopped back on the ground. Snug in his arms, Othello looked up at the spinning sky. That was a fast movement, and it rattled her herbed up brain. Giggling, she playfully nipped at the legs that kept her trapped, wiggling until she fell into a comfortable position. A soft sigh pasted her lips, a wild smile upon her face.

Scorpion asked her what had gotten into her, which made her giggle again. "Gotten into me? Herbs! So many herbs!" She flailed her paws crazily to try and show him how many herbs she was given. Okay, it was probably way over stated but still, there had been like... three different green things. Was there a purple one too? She couldn't quite remember. But, trying to think of that brought up another thought. "Oh! OHHHH!" She howled, squirming and flipping so that her belly was against his own. "I have news, I have news!" her tail thumped on his lower most belly, wagging between his two hind legs and it danced is crazy motions. It seemed to fly every which way as she attempted to gather her thoughts.

Looking down into his golden eyes, her very dilated orbs seemed wild as she beamed down at him. "I went and saw Orchid, and she told me that we are having babies! Puppies! You're going to be the best daddy in the world!" The dame exclaimed, burying her face into his soft neck fur. Her tail still swung like mad, happy yips drowning out in his white hairs. Yay for babies! So many babies! She wanted all the pups, anything to make Scorpion happy. An army of little ones! She laughed at the thought, kneading her paws on his chest as she tried to stay her bubbly excitement.