
You will be mine [MATURE]


04-01-2013, 03:36 PM

Distaste colored her face as the dame suggested all three should participate. It wasn't after she spoke that a familiar voice reached her ears. Jupiter. Skull swung around to meet the dames gaze. Eyes narrowed, what was she doing here? She remembered clearly asking the wolf to mind her own business. But here she was. Great. This was going to go down hill fast. "Jupiter, I think you're forgetting our conversation." A warning was being given, she needed to back down. Now. But she didn't get to say much more before Kaios's new mate began to speak once more. Ears went flat against her skull in outrage. A caged little bird? "You couldn't be more wrong." she spat, narrowed gaze shifting between Newt and Jupiter. So far she had no idea what this females name was. But no one had bothered with introductions so she wasn't about to start one. She didn't care, perhaps this bitch would keep Kaios out of her hair, after all this only reason for claiming Secret was to spite her, right? Tension began to thicken the air. Secret wanted Jupiter gone before she started something she would regret, and she was ready to leave the newly weds to their business. It was mistake coming here.

"Talk here."