
Let Us Do As We Once Did



10 Years
05-23-2014, 10:55 PM

Odette couldn't help but let her excitement sweep across where they stood. She enjoyed seeing her brother and sister, but since Oracle was missing, she figured that the yearling was busy. So, she took the time she had with Gala as the day slowly started to move on. Gala spoke of them having a tough decision of moving to a new place and she gave an understanding nod. "It is difficult to find new places sometimes. When you find the perfect place, you will know it. I don't blame you for experimenting until then." Odette would support her siblings, no matter what.
The Ocena replica then asked of her own agenda. Silently, Odette thought about it and didn't answer until her haunches met the cold ground. "Busy is not the word for it. There is so much to do and I have so much on my plate. I am training to be a Gamma -- which is a warrior -- and most of my sessions have been with Chrysanthe, my adopted mother." Her lips moved into a smile as she thought about the russet-faced woman. "She is a legend herself, so having her as my mentor means a lot." A light sigh escaped her lips as she continued. "Everyone is getting ready for winter and there have been herb hunts to ensure plenty of plants if they are needed." The small smile lingered. "Between having practice spars with other members, helping our Healers with the herbs, and spending time with Mother, I don't know how I am keeping up." She gave a light shrug and her tail wrapped itself around her hips. "Have you thought about what you want to be when you grow up?"



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