
I'll be your girl for all seasons

Silent I


11 Years
05-24-2014, 12:09 AM

The older lady was feeling different that afternoon. After waking up to a late morning, Silent's body had felt more energetic than it had in a long time. She had taken her morning dose of lavender before stepping out of her new den and her joints hadn't hurt with every movement. After finding breakfast at the den's open mouth, she had eaten it and shared with Mercury. It had been awhile since her last breakfast date with her dark-furred son. The brief reunion was worth the memory it would make. After that, she had decided to explore.
Her black paws had found the warmth of the hot springs before her mind had caught on to the new location. Happiness spread across her face in a worn smile as she giggled like a young pup. "Oh, how wonderful!" she exclaimed. The nearest spring she came across looked so welcoming and relaxing...she couldn't resist! Silent immediately jogged from where she stood, tongue lolling out of her mouth as she got closer and closer. Finally, she leaped into the air and dove with front paws first into the deep and very warm pool of water.
Silent rose to the surface in a small timeframe of two seconds. She breathed in the cold air as her body happily welcomed the heat beneath the water. The black wolf gave a happy sigh as her eyes dreamily closed while her head rested above the surface. Never in her life had she been so happy to get wet and hot at the same time. She started to move her legs in the water to propel her in a circle...and became surprised. Her joints weren't stiff and she didn't feel the usual aches that resulted from sleeping on the firm ground. In Seracia, her den's floor was kind of hard, but then again, that was nature for you.
"This feels amazing," she said to herself, words filled with a tender grace. "I cannot believe I didn't find this sooner." She rolled over in the water, sending stray droplets to rise and fall on the cold ground. Laughter rolled from her old frame as she spun around in the spring before submerging again. It felt like she was more different than when she had first woken up...and she loved the change. As she broke the surface again, she paddled towards the edge and rested on top of a jutted piece of earth beneath the water. It was there that she folded all four legs and breathed in the cool air. If only Bronze were here to enjoy it, too...
