


04-01-2013, 04:18 PM

Whispers of promises and memories reached for the female?s legs. Reminding her what it was like to walk with phantoms. The fog seemed to be a living creature and brought her from the drought in search of water. Everything was drying around her kingdom. What had she done to anger Cerberus? Was he testing her new home? She shook her head with a deep sigh as the enticing aroma. She was unsure if it were real what she smelled. Her mind had been wandering to illusions. It was as if her wonderland was becoming something more real. In reality it was a simple case of dehydration.

Warped images seemed to wander along the alluring fog. Beckoning her to follow them but she shook her head. No, she would not dismiss the need for water. Her tail flicked as her tiger size paws pushed into the soft grounds of the soulless forest. She smiled for a moment, as she remembered the prince of snow and blood, she had met him here. Where had he gone? She had hoped to be his savior and yet he had vanished. Perhaps he was only an illusion of something she desperately wanted. She let out a sigh as the mixture of water and blood filled her nostrils. Something awoke in her clouded eyes. Blood was always the key to her memories.

Soon enough the waterfall was a few inches before her. She pushed herself into the depths of it. She moved till it covered up to her shoulders and lapped at the water for what seemed to be forever. She could feel the instant relief of her unborn pups. They were sucking her dry as well as the heat. She relaxed in the depths of the falls for a moment. She closed her eyes and pushed a few bubbles around her.

Dark ears twitched as she caught the lingering aroma of wet male. Who was wandering the soulless forest? She moved towards the bank and shook her velvet coat. Her violet eyes searched for the soggy paw prints and soon enough she was tracking the moving male. She partially hoped it was Hails, but she was certain she would have recognized his aroma. Soon enough the wandering black wolf came into view. She tilted her head. Holly mother of pus buckets, will I meet anyone not shrouded in the color of raven?s feathers? she thought sarcastically as she looked the male over. She cleared her throat, hoping it was no illusion she was stalking. ?I can taste the tension in you from here.? She said neutrally. She held no sort of emotion in her voice and her face displayed nothing but a slight interest in this wolf.