
You will be mine [MATURE]


04-01-2013, 04:25 PM


Well this was turning into an interesting scene wasn't it? Not only had Secret, his other mate, come onto the scene, but now some colorful bitch was here challenging him for the lassies freedom! How delightful! His head swung back, a loud cackle ripping from his throat. This was too damn funny. Saliva flew in all directions, and for a moment he felt as if he couldn't breath he was laughing so hard! A few moments went by, time seemed to crawl by as he laughed. He couldn't help himself. But finally, he stopped, head dipping back down to its usual height, eyes falling upon Secret as they narrowed. "So, you want to know which wife I want to fuck?" He paused for a moment, eyes dancing back and forth from her to Newt, then back to her. "How about both?" Inky lips curled tightly as he smiled, the corners of his mouth curling into unnatural proportions. He looked over toward his newest wife, taking in her words. She was an interesting bitch wasn't she? "Sorry babe, guess bitches can't help themselves. Don't worry, most of my attention will be spent on you." His attention then turned to the celestial looking bitch, the one who had charged in here with the intentions of stealing his first prize. No, that wasn't about to happen, not today, not ever. He would release her when he was damn well and ready, some bitch off the street wouldn't be setting the rules around here. "You say you will fight for her freedom, yet here you are, embarrassing yourself. Secret doesn't want you to win her freedom, oh no, anything but that. She seeks revenge from within, she feels pure hatred that can only be fed with her own conscious. She wants to battle me and regain her freedom. Don't take that away from the poor girl!" Before she could respond his head swung back toward Secret. He had more to say to that bitch. "I won't be staying in Tortuga much longer, oh no. I'm moving up in the ranks my dear. You want your freedom? I will grant it to you, but it will come with a price. Since I have claimed you I've sought one thing, and you have yet to grant me it. I think you know what i'm referring to." He wanted pups. From the moment he had met her he had dreamed of fucking her, let alone allowing her to carry his offspring. He still craved it so badly, he was about to let her go just for a quick taste. "Let me make sweeeeeeeet passionate love to you baby doll, then you may go. Just one taste, and you wont see my face again." He said, sarcasm added to certain words. Of course this was a lie, he would never truly leave her alone. He was practically her stalker, a demon in the shadows that watched her every move.