
Death has laid his claim



5 Years
05-24-2014, 10:28 AM

D?gmar had gone from misery to bliss then back to misery in the span of a few days and it had left once again in a sour mood. Her heat had started at the first breath of winter stronger than she'd ever experienced it before, it's intoxicating horror threatening to drown her with need. It scratched at her brain nearly removing any sense of logic. She did NOT want pups again? but she'd needed a body? so she'd found a clever solution. She'd gone to visit his pupil. After all it was his graduation ceremony and his final test.

Drashiel was a handsome male too, large, strong and solidly built. Old enough to look like a man but young enough that she doubted their union would leave her anything to worry about. The graduation had also been a relative success. His final test was to kill another wolf. After all it was one thing to learn to fight but another entirely to learn to kill but she was confident he was well on his way to being a truly fierce warrior.

D?gmar's pace slowed a little as she leaned back to lick at her haunches. They'd killed an Ebony femme in cold blood, taken extra care to mask their scent from the body and to ensure the kill was outside Ebony territory to make it even more confusing. She'd gotten out of the battle fairly well except for a large, deep, and rather unattractive laceration on her rear end.

With a snarl at the cheek of the woman they'd slain she continued back into Arcanum territory. Her limbs shook slightly and she snarled, lashing out at some invisible attacker. Just as the heat of her loins had died a raging fire now burned in her skull. No longer was her flower slicked with blood but now it spilled from her eyes. Had she been cursed?

It was then she ran into Zaria and Meinx and she stood there, scarlett-stained emerald gaze landing on the younger femme who was also showing the same symptoms. "Fuck? it's some sort of sickness isn't it." With a snarl she howled for the healers. Where were they?