
Soothing waters, soothing company



7 Years
05-24-2014, 11:36 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She laughed, a quiet, happy sound, when he spoke of their satisfaction, and found that even after all this time she was still a little surprised by his boldness regarding the subject. But, oh, it was true. There was little to compare with the feeling of her heart racing against his, and in the end both reaching that high together. And the relaxed, exhausted state that claimed them after. There was truly no one she could have imagined going on this journey with, no one that she wanted to to take that journey with, except him. It shone in her eyes when she looked at him, a wanting that was more than simply physical. She loved him. He had stolen her feet right out from under her and opened her to a deeper, more meaningful relationship and love than she had thought to wish for. And though she had had no idea what she had been missing before she was grateful for it, for him. He made her life all the better just by being a part of it.

Her dark gold eyes blinked slowly as he leaned his head to place a few licks between her ears and across her forehead, so sweet, so soft. They roamed, traveling down the side of her face, and a lazy, contented smile spread across her muzzle. And again that growl, rumbling through his body, spreading into her own. She would have drawn herself closer if he had not already beat her to it, his paw moving again down her torso. So attentive he was to her, as if they had all the time in the world...

"I swear time stands still when I am with you," she remarked, gently placing a kiss beneath his chin. "I feel as if there is nothing else in the world but us."