
I sang my princess fast asleep

Twig I


05-24-2014, 11:52 PM

The only future events she wanted to linger upon were the thoughts of marrying Alpine. His close touch would give her comfort, especially knowing she had him for life. She wouldn't think to worry about what Erani would think, or the other pack members. She had only spoke with Alpine of Lyric on one occasion, she knew not of the repercussions of his actions. Only how much she loved him, and needed him by her side. He would whisper gently into her ear, his breath would tickle the sensitive organ as a shiver ran down her back. The scent of her heat and passionate actions of the previous night would be stirred as Alpine rose to his feet. She would feel a hot blush upon her cheeks, her mate's gentle movements urging her to stand. She would smile at him lovingly, placing a kiss on his cheek. Her legs would extend and bring her from the sand. She would lean into his side, eyes closing peacefully as she would relish the last few moments of perfect happiness before it would again tumble around her.
As though on cue as soon as he'd eyes opened her name would be heard from beyond the palm trees. Instantly a panic would well up within her. That was Angel, and something was very wrong. Her chest would elicit a scared whine, instantly leaving her mate's side to run to the voice. "Angel?!" slate covered paws would swiftly carry her to where the girl had come, evident worry in he eyes. She hadn't seen anyone but Crucifix in a month, why was her sister suddenly here? "What is wrong?"