


04-01-2013, 07:14 PM

Violet eyes blinked with detachment towards the male. His colorful words didn?t rile much of a reaction out of her other then ennui from her. Her tail flicked behind her back and forth to the rhythm of her beating heart. His drawl was odd, it was etched the resonance of a foreign tongue. She was curious what his original language was but didn?t allow the thought to be more then what it was. Her ears twitched as he denied the tension she had smelt, though he called it a different word, distressed, she hadn?t said that exactly. No, she simply meant that something was tugging at his mind. She dismissed his use of words and continued to watch him.

Energy seemed to pulse off his body and close to visible waves. He seemed to be jittery, an odd sort of insanity lingered in his eyes. She knew that look. Her dark lips curled upright in respond to her size. Indeed that seemed to be the first many noticed of the Queen. That she was the largest monster to walk this realm. She shook her velvet coat and allowed her head to tilt ever so slightly, just barley noticeable, to the right. ?Luna?s tiny titties, if your skin could physically crawl off your body I think it would take flight. ?She said with amusement. Her violet eyes seemed to be drinking him in. would he be useful?

?What is it your haunting?? she questioned, wondering if he?d admit what it was he desired. If he wanted a home then perhaps she had one open for him or perhaps not. She needed useful wolves, wolves she could train, and who could do the jobs required of them. Her ears twitched as she allowed her rump to take to he ground. Her soft tail curled around her silver paws. She remained neutrally amused as she waited for his respond.