
ITS TIME [pack meeting]



5 Years
Extra large
05-25-2014, 09:36 AM

Scorpion would sit back, his features doting on Orchid's ears as the rest of the pack filed in. So occupied on his perfect sister that he really would not care about the rest of the occupants until Viridiana's words would address them all. He'd leave one more tantalizing kiss upon his sister's ear before moving his attention back to the lady in red. To find there was also a lady of purple. His eyebrows would raise but it was clear this woman had been claimed by the queen. It seemed fitting, the two looked way too good together. He would try to suppress fantasies of them, instead finding his nails trailing along Orchid's spine. He also had Othello to return to, along with her healthy appetite. The Queens words would do well to distract him as she poke to the whole of them. Her queen was Desiree, and he knew he would do well to remember her title. She would then introduce sibelle, the girl in charge of the council. So he had another wolf he had to answer to? Ears would fall back to his skull but words would not flow from his lips. She was quite attractive as well, so his willingness to obey her command grew. He'd have to speak with the lady soon. Viridiana would go on to address the pack and offer the down low to their operation. He would lick his lips appetizingly as she looked to him for anything to add. He had nothing, so would just nod respectfully as he held Orchid closer. It was about time he saw his concubine again...
