
Soothing waters, soothing company



11 Years
05-25-2014, 10:33 AM (This post was last modified: 05-25-2014, 05:44 PM by Bane.)
Being together with Tahlia intimately was like a journey up a mountain. It followed a trail with many splits and were entwined in their path together. While all the paths lead to the same destination, some were quick and others took awhile, but again. They all lead to the top. A peak, if you will, that both wolves could enjoy summiting at the end with enough skill. A joy at overcoming the trails and savoring the view they had worked to climb as one, giving advice and suggestions on their route to the top, hardly ever stopping and always moving. Breathing became harder the further you both climbed, making muscles ache as you fought not to be the first to the peak and watch your partner struggle on a different trail, but to rise along together. Communicate, and ask what to do too help your mate along the way if they tell you they're struggling. And the view at the summit is as glorious as it is special when staying together to savor the end of your journey. Give a few licks and nuzzles and kisses along the jaw as you stare into each others eyes and a few wags of a tail. Let them know you enjoyed their part in the climb most of all, ask how you did the trial of passion and what path to take next on the mountain if curiosity suits either of your racing and passionate hearts.

Bane gave a slow blink, not imagining anybody else he would want to share this with. Tahlia had stolen his heart and his soul. They were hers forever. It was sobering, this journey they often took together, a reminder that all the moments with your significant other had to be savored. An experience of trust and letting your mate know fully know you in your most vulnerable state. Concentrating on the one you love without a care to outside happenings. They are yours and you are theirs. Bane was Tahlia's and Tahlia was Bane's.

A rumble left his muzzle at her words, feeling her muzzle touch his chin. "The time we spend together, it lasts longer that it should when I'm with you. I absolutely cannot imagine a lesser way of living then how we live now. We have found our happiness." The pale wolf traced his paw down from the base of her throat and across her stomach, letting it drift a little lower before massaging her sternum. His muzzle would touch against hers and tilt slightly so his tongue would intrude into her muzzle again. The taste of her maw was the sweetest of anything he had dined upon, the vibration his body continuously rumbled against her didn't hurt. He knew Tahlia enjoyed it.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•