


05-25-2014, 04:36 PM

Immaculate and refined upon the exterior, yet hysterical upon the interior; her brothers are but mere memories left to plague her, their presence amiss within the premises of the land they were destined to conquer together, hand in hand. The fate bestowed upon their heads (by an ambitious mother undoubtedly) had been reduced to farfetched dreams that never strayed too far from the prodigal daughter?s thoughts, even as her situation grew bleaker and bleaker with every day that passed her by without a trace of those she had nursed beside. In the days following her return, she had spent the majority of her waking minutes on the prowl for her full-fledged siblings (namely Ares), having even sought the company of her greatest adversary with a set determination to locate the duo she had failed. Still her success in fulfilling her self-appointed mission remained at slim to none?her paw-pads had been rubbed raw with her restless travels and her voice had gone hoarse from overuse, yet still she was relentless towards her purpose. She would be rewarded for her efforts?she had to be; there was no reason to believe that her brothers were dead for they were of Elysius blood and the Elysius would not fail.

Grains of blackened sand and yet the reflective and bizarre surface of the beach is not what demanded the paladin?s attention; but rather, the familiarity of a singular scent that had assaulted her velvet nostrils. Immediately her interest would be piqued and her limbs would slave to propel her in the direction of the enticing aroma?s origin, briefly breaking her resolve to locate her brothers in exchange for her only sister. She had hardly acquainted herself with the doll-faced youth and yet she could vaguely recall the babe?s scent?it resembled that of her mother?s and therefore it was evident to the former tyrant that their relation was undeniable. Cryptic gaze would hover over the dainty physique of the yearling who lingered so close to the water?s edge, oblivious to the looming presence of the phantom deity that approached her from the rear, seeking to halt in her saunter mere feet away from where her sibling had rooted herself, poised and breathtaking. ?Little dove, where have you been?? It is a question that demands an answer?one she had been denied for too long by the few members of their bloodline.