
If I could see your face once more



3 Years
Extra large
05-25-2014, 04:45 PM

It was indeed rather impressive the amount of strength that Warja managed to put into the hug with such a large size difference between them. Kismet wasn't too bothered though really, simply glad to be with her once more and with a content sigh he would breathe in her scent so pleased to have her there once more, that feisty little girl who made it hard to breathe... ok maybe she did need to let go. She stepped back at that point with an apology though the smile still upon her face just as it clung so stubbornly to Kismet's own features.

It was still a great relief to Kismet that Warja hadn't attempted any stupid plan that could have gotten her into trouble. Though it was wonderful to know that she cared so much, and he had to admit he probably would have tried something crazy had situations been reversed not that he had ever revealed the fact to her for fear she'd use it against him. It wouldn't be mentioned now either, no matter how tempted he was to point out that he'd been right, she hadn't needed to put herself in any danger something else had come along.

She was shocked though, that smile fading for a moment and almost doubting that it was the truth. "You nearly suffo-" He didn't have long to point out that he was indeed real though, for she would swiftly realise it had to be the truth on her own that wonderful smile returning as she announced the joy of the situation. The smile would remain in place at her returning joy. "I know, it really is." He would agree with her cheerfully, not only was he now no longer a prisoner but now finally he could see Warja again without guilt for causing her to worry or fearing that he might end up getting her in trouble.

The smile would fade again however as she grew a little more serious, though it was all over for now that guilt would return to him for having brought those worries upon her in the first place, for making her deal with such pressure. His own smile would fade a little now with the feeling. "I'm sorry." Hanging his head a little now he wouldn't notice the small smile once more appearing on her features until she spoke again, gaze would once more glance up to her and he couldn't help but mimic that little smile. "It's good to be free." And it feld good to say it again. He was free!

He'd spent the last meeting worried about many things including Soren and Azalea, now such thoughts wouldn't plague him though. Later he'd certainly have to answer to them but for now he could simply enjoy his time with Warja. "I've missed you." As if that fact hadn't been obvious enough he would still state it now.