
Take a step on the wild side!



05-25-2014, 06:34 PM
Amia Tulip

His presence would come closer to her, their haunches touching and she was enlightened in the simple gesture of them touching. She could feel his eyes upon her as she gently cleaned away the blood, noticing the bleeding was going down. Mentally she shrugged, she could always get herbs for it later. She would pause as he spoke, looking up at him. "No we wouldn't have to at all.." She said, directing it right at him being the interesting thing. She blushed once more, looking away shyly. Had she really just said that out loud?

His suggestion made her smiled and she stood up, rear slightly bumping into him. Ears laid back as she became momentarily flustered."That's..a um..good idea." She replied. She moved so that her side would gently lean into him. Eyes looked into the darkness, ears perked up. "I wonder if this leads to anywhere. Maybe there's some kind of den like area down here. Could you image living underground?" She said softly. She loved the idea of going into the unknown, of being with this male. He made her tingle from the inside out. When was the last time she had felt anything for a male? Cormalin was sexy yes but he was older and seemed so disinterested in her. When was the last time a male took interest in her? Not since she ran away from her birth pack.

She would wait for him to begin walking, keeping herself close to him, breathing in his alluring scent. That musky scent that was all male, she loved it, mixed with the scent of earth. Her tail would brush his occasionally as they walked."What's your name? I'm Amia Tulip." She whispered next to him after awhile. Unknowingly her body ached for the touch of a male. She was young, didn't fully understand these things. But her body gave off the scent of its interest.