
The Beating Heart Of A Healer



05-25-2014, 06:55 PM

The first to arrive was Cael, her mate. A smile would light up her features upon seeing him. It felt right again to have him at her side. She didn't feel so lost anymore. As he greeted her she let out a low sound like a mix between a whine and purr. She returned the affection with a nuzzle into his next, drawing in his scent. With him here she didn't feel so nervous with this being officially her first training session.Hello my handsome sun. And you'll have to wait for the others." She replied with a wink.

After awhile the russet and black male Tyr approached. At once she noticed his nervousness, eyes flicking between her and Cael. She would smile at him warmly, trying to make him see they were no threat. As he asked about her calling she would stand up and slowly walk to him. If he held still she would gently touch her nose to his nose. Yes I have young Tyr. I am in charge of your training not just because im Primary Theta but specifically your mentor. Now no need to be nervous. You are safe here, specially with me." She paused to wink at him as she took a few steps back. Looking back at Cael she introduced him.This is Cael, one of the Eta Field Medics and also my mate. I assure you, you can trust him. Tyr I would like to get to know you before we start your training. I want you to be comfortable. How can you focus on learning if you are nervous and uncomfortable? She said softly sitting down. She looked about seeing if any others would come and frowned. What a disappointment, she shook her head slightly, she'd have to talk to Erani about it later. Looking back at Tyr she smiled,How about we start with who you are, where your from and the such. You may ask me anything you wish and I promise to answer each one truthfully. She laid down, patting the ground in front of her with her paw, for the two males to join her.
