
You will be mine [MATURE]

Jupiter I


7 Years
04-01-2013, 08:13 PM

jupiter illidais

"jupiter speech" ? "mercury speech"

jupiter flicked her gaze back to the newly-claimed fae, nodding with a relative politeness to her in an almost apologetic manner. "jupiter," she replied, and then allowed for her attentions to turn upon secret, having anticipated the words that dropped from her mouth from the moment that she had stepped forth to go through with her earlier plans. head tilted gingerly to the side, tipping to the slightest degree as she examined secret experimentally. "i'm not that awfully old yet," the creature chuckled, though these peals faded relatively quickly before she shook her head. "besides, what will backing out now do for either of us?" she inquired, tone almost innocent as she blinked her celestial optics at her charge.

cool gaze iced over, eyes losing any hint of humorous warmth as kaios spoke in response to her. an odd sort of rumbling, dark-borne laughter bubbled from her chest, slipping past obsidian lips to mingle about their ears. "secret didn't want you to claim her, either, but of course, we see how much good that did," she replied, a slight hint of bitterness tainting her tone. "her time will come. just because she won't be under your complete grasp now doesn't mean that she can't come back and beat you for it later. trust me, it'll hurt just as badly then as it would have now." her dial lowered dangerously, audits declining backwards toward her skull as seductive offers dripped so tantalizingly from his lips. she would say no more, but would only hope that secret chose not to believe him. whether this want was the result of selfishness or her disliking for the male was something she was not sure of, but either way, that single fact still stood.

? 289 words ?

[ o o c ; ]
i'll probably leave next post, sorry. cx

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.