
Clean slates


04-03-2013, 10:36 PM
Quote:((forgive me while I work out the kinks))

Head was carried at a tilt, frayed and tattered ears pricked with one always facing forward and the other constantly swivelling about atop her skull. Eyes were half closed and head was carried parallel to her spine. Shoulder blades rolled lazily as she moved through the Lentajin lands with little to no purpose. She had to find Newt... So long they had been apart, she felt numb and like her thoughts drifted lazily through a haze. There was no rhyme or reason for the massive female's disappearance, she justified it in her mind that she needed to go out and see the world. She was finally beginning to notice the loss of her eyesight more and more. The last month it had deteriorated to the point where everything was not just blurry shapes and it was getting darker. She knew her time to drink in those last sights were limited and had gone to see what she could. She finally believed that she had seen all that she could in these lands and now it was time to return home. Back to the warm embrace of her beloved friend, if she could even call Newt that. Though their meetings had been limited her mind swam without the sharp taste of blood in her mouth, the feel of course fur prickling against her and the sensation of flesh parting beneath her jaws. What was wrong with her, had she sunk so low? Deteriorated so much that she couldn't survive without these things? Couldn't survive without this female who now sat in the throw that had changed hands so many times?

A sharp yet familiar voice slithered towards her, a beckoning song that lifted the scarred female's head higher and allowed a lazy smile to curl up the edges of her lips. Funny, it was always like that with Newt, ask and you shall receive. A new found vigour pushed herself forward, head carried higher as she moved forward, following the echoes of that sound like a famished animal reaching for water. She was unsure why Newt was calling this meeting, they had not yet discussed a game plan or anything beyond making Newt their puppet queen. But Zara had left her with a heart in her jaws and that was all there was. She had needed to come to terms with her condition, her loss of sight. Though outwardly nothing had changed, the female had been born with white eyes so nothing physically had changed. She didn't walk any slower then before but she had before or carry her head low to see what was going on with her paws. She could still see enough to keep herself from tripping, but in another few weeks that would be gone as well and darkness would be the only thing before her for the rest of her life.

Massive, scarred female approached the pack with a sly smile, a smile that hinted that she knew something that everyone else didn't... A wink was flashed to Khaos, the female she hadn't seen since their meeting at the river all those months ago. She moved with the ease of a veteran and slithered around Newt, a quick brush of shoulder against shoulder was the only contact she allowed but it was one that promised so much more after this meeting. Curiosity coursed through her as she took a place to Newt's immediate right, sinking slowly to her haunches and cocking her head once more. "It's good to see you dear" she whispered, voice for Newt and Newt alone. Besides that she sat quietly, that sly grin curling up her frayed and tattered lips. This was all working so much more perfectly then she could have ever planned. Newt was developing into something far more useful then she had needed and now Zara just had to sit back and watch, drink in the kaleidoscope of faces that swirled in her diminished vision. This might be fun...