
Paws and Claws


04-01-2013, 08:41 PM
Allaire was done, she felt her legs giving out and saw as the ground rushed up in a hard embrace. She flinched, preparing herself for the claws that she knew would rip into her back, except it never happened in stead in a flare of sound, growls and yawls, vulgar speech. The Small woman scrambled to her paws then and turned to see a black brute, he was holding his own against the cat... For now, back in her bit land it took a pack of four or five to take on such a big cat, and only hold it back and chase it off. But of course they where mostly her size, nice and small, this male was much larger then she or any of her family ever was. But she did not have to worry for long, for another wolf came outta no where and trailing behind her was a small black and brown creature, it seemed that Allaire was seeing many things she have never seen before in this strange land.

The small creature gave a kinda war cry as it charged the cat that was four times its size and the cat seemed to consider the small thing then turn tail and run for the hills like a demon was on its tail. Allaire stared in shock at the small creatures tail and fur stood on end as it spat and growled after the cat. It was only after the adrenalin started to drain from her system did Allaire finally realize that the owner of the scent markers about them was standing just next to her. Allaire jumped a bit and put a bit of distance between herself and the alpha. "I am fine, thank you." Allaire started to again move away from the heart of the pack lands and back to the boarders. "I am so sorry to intrude on your land like this, I had no choice, the cat was after me and and..." The small woman put her head down then. "I understand that is no excuse." Allaire turned to the male then and took a long whiff, He was not pack, which meant he only came over the boarder was for her and that fell heavily onto her shoulders. It was her fault that he was also in this situation, and she could not let him fall with her. "I will take the punishment due, but please leave him out of it, he was only protecting me." Allaire bowed her head then waiting for the finale word from the alpha, and her sentence.