
On This Starlit Path



9 Years
05-26-2014, 12:46 AM

He had left some time ago from the pack in which he was born. A place he felt didn't want him, and part of him wondered even if his family still wanted him...he was fully grown now, at thirty nine inches and his pelt full and thick now that Winter had set was his first winter without his Mother, and truthfully, it was very...different. Translucent green eyes would rise up, gazing at the moon that shone full and bright. It illuminated the whites of his pelt, while shadowing the others. Ears fell back as he walked on, the crisp scent of water reaching him. A chilled wind ruffled his fur, causing the boy to shiver as he hunched his shoulders to try and keep himself warm. Though the sky was clear, his mind was not.

He would walk just a bit more, moments later happening upon a pool water that reflected the moonlight above. Long legs would halt, the tall boy simply staring at the reflections of the pool as his thoughts began to take hold. He remembered the day he left, his sister and brother were there...and his mother...Swallowing, he bit his lip. The boy trying to bite back the sadness that began to overwhelm him. Slowly, he lowered himself onto his stomach, forepaws crossing in front of him as his head lied upon them. "Please..." That single word echoed in his head, that single note that carried all her emotion. It tore at his heart, clawing at his soul. He had felt so terrible after what he said, he felt like he couldn't turn back after breaking her heart...he had ran after that, ran as far as he could and didn't look back...tears fell from his eyes that day, the trail lost upon the wind. And now, tears would fall again. They fell quietly as he closed his eyes, silent sobs shaking his body. Snow fall lightly falling upon his pelt, as if trying to gently soothe him. "I' sorry..." Would they take him back if he returned? Or forever mark him a coward and a traitor for wanting to try and write his own story?


Fight Inside by Red on Grooveshark


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